11 Growth Mindset Quotes for Kids: Inspiring a Love for Learning

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
Check out 11 Growth Mindset quotes for kids with journal prompts to inspire a love for learning and embrace mistakes!

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The power of a growth mindset, a term popularized by Dr. Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, cannot be understated. At its core, a growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. 

For children, especially, cultivating this mindset can pave the way for lifelong learning and resilience in the face of challenges.

Quotes, simple as they might seem, have the power to encapsulate vast wisdom in just a few words. In this post, we will look at 11 Growth Mindset quotes for kids. These are inspiring quotes that children can understand and help to be a reminder of the growth mindset. Each quote also has a journaling prompt that you could use with the kids.

Table of Contents

The Power of Words

Language is a potent tool. The words we hear, especially during our formative years, can shape our beliefs, thought patterns, and, ultimately, our behaviors. As Nelson Mandela once said, “It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor.” This stresses the transformative power of belief combined with effort. Positive affirmations and quotes can be instrumental in instilling such beliefs and fostering a growth mindset.

11 Growth Mindset Quotes for Kids

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#1 “You have not failed unless you have quit trying.” – Gordon B. Hinckley 

Reinforcing the importance of persistence and continuous effort. 

This quote emphasizes that setbacks or mistakes aren’t failures; giving up is. It’s about persevering and keeping the belief that every attempt brings one closer to success, which lies at the core of a growth mindset. It teaches children that the journey to success is often filled with obstacles and setbacks, but the key is to keep trying and not give up. By continuing to put in effort and learn from mistakes, children can develop resilience and a growth mindset.

Journal Prompts: Write about a time when you felt like giving up but decided to keep trying. What did you learn from that experience?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#2 “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela 

Teaching children that even the most daunting tasks can be accomplished with determination. 

Mandela’s words remind us that our perception of a task’s difficulty is often a barrier. With dedication, what once seemed unattainable becomes achievable, highlighting the essence of a growth mindset. This quote teaches children that they should not be discouraged by seemingly impossible tasks. Instead, they should approach challenges with determination and a positive attitude, knowing that with effort and perseverance, they can achieve their goals.

Journal Prompts: Think of a time when you accomplished something that seemed impossible at first. How did you feel when you achieved it?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#3 “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou 

Embrace the learning journey.

Angelou’s wisdom underscores the continuous journey of learning. As we gain knowledge, we refine our actions and improve, embodying the principle of evolving through experiences. This quote teaches children that learning is a continuous process, and as they gain more knowledge and experience, they can make better choices and improve their actions. It encourages children to always do their best with the information and skills they have at the moment, and to strive for continuous improvement as they learn and grow.

Journal Prompts: How do you feel when you learn something new? How can you use that knowledge to do better in the future?

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11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#4 “The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes 

Every master starts as a novice. 

This quote teaches children that everyone starts as a beginner, and it’s through practice and effort that they become experts. It encourages children to be patient with themselves and to understand that it’s okay to not be perfect at something right away. By putting in the time and effort, they can develop their skills and become experts in their chosen fields.

Journal Prompts: Imagine you have become an expert in something you’re passionate about. Write a letter to your younger self, giving advice on how to achieve this expertise.

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11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#5 “No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.” – Wolfgang Riebe 

Mistakes are natural and correctable.

This quote teaches children that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. It encourages them to view mistakes as opportunities for growth and improvement, rather than as failures. By understanding that it’s okay to make mistakes and that they can learn from them, children can develop a growth mindset and become more resilient learners.

Journal Prompts: Think of a mistake you made recently. How did you feel when you made it? What did you learn from it? How can you use that experience to improve in the future?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#6 “You can grow your brain by learning hard things.” – Carol Dweck 

Our brains are malleable.

This quote teaches children that their brains are like muscles that can be strengthened through learning and effort. By taking on challenges and learning new things, they can literally grow their brains and become smarter. This concept, known as neuroplasticity, is a key principle of a growth mindset and encourages children to embrace challenges and continuous learning.

Journal Prompts: Imagine your brain is like a garden. Write a story about how you can “grow” your brain by planting seeds of knowledge and effort. What kinds of “flowers” or “fruits” do you want to grow in your brain garden?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
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#7 “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine 

Teaching children to view challenges as opportunities for growth. 

Marine’s words inspire children to embrace challenges as enriching experiences. Overcoming obstacles not only fosters growth but also lends meaning to our endeavors. This quote teaches children that facing and overcoming challenges is what makes life interesting and meaningful. It encourages them to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as obstacles to be avoided. By adopting this perspective, children can develop a growth mindset and become more resilient and adaptable learners.

Journal Prompts: Write about a challenge you faced and how you overcame it. What did you learn from the experience? How did it make your life more interesting and meaningful?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
Pin Me! 11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
#8 “The future belongs to the curious. The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.” – Unknown 

Curiosity fuels exploration and learning. 

This quote teaches children that curiosity is a valuable trait that can lead to exploration, learning, and discovery. It encourages them to question the world around them, try new things, and not be afraid to explore and experiment. By embracing curiosity and a willingness to learn, children can develop a growth mindset and become lifelong learners.

Journal Prompts: Write about a time when your curiosity led you to learn something new or discover something interesting. How did it feel to explore and learn?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
Pin Me! 11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
#9 “Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it.” – Travis Kalanick 

Encouraging creative problem-solving and optimism. 

Kalanick’s perspective promotes an optimistic view of challenges. With creativity and a can-do attitude, solutions can always be found, mirroring the proactive approach of a growth mindset. This quote teaches children that every problem has a solution, and it’s up to them to find it. It encourages them to think creatively, be resourceful, and not give up when faced with challenges. By adopting this mindset, children can become more resilient problem-solvers and develop a growth mindset.

Journal Prompts: Imagine you are an inventor who is faced with a big problem. Write a story about how you use your creativity to find a solution.

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
Pin Me! 11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
#10 “Dream big and dare to fail.” – Norman Vaughan 

By daring to fail, we allow ourselves to take risks and learn.

This quote teaches children to dream big and not be afraid to take risks, even if it means failing. It encourages them to set ambitious goals and go after them with determination and effort. By daring to fail, children can learn valuable lessons, develop resilience, and ultimately achieve their dreams. This embodies the growth mindset’s principle of embracing challenges and learning from setbacks.

Journal Prompts: Write about a big dream or goal you have. What steps can you take to achieve it? How will you handle setbacks or failures along the way?

11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
Pin Me! 11 Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids
#11 “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” – Unknown 

True learning and development arise from new experiences and challenges.

This quote teaches children that while it’s natural to seek comfort and familiarity, real growth and learning occur when they step outside their comfort zones and try new things. It encourages them to embrace new experiences, take risks, and face challenges with a growth mindset. By venturing beyond their comfort zones, children can discover new interests, develop new skills, and become more adaptable and resilient learners.

Journal Prompts: Write about a time when you stepped outside your comfort zone and tried something new. What did you learn from the experience? How did it help you grow?

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Ways to Use These Quotes

  • Visual Reminders: Consider creating posters or wall art displaying these quotes in children’s rooms or classrooms. I also have posters available if you are interested at my TPT store.
  • Daily Affirmations: Let your child pick one or three quotes that they like and begin the day by reciting a chosen quote to set the tone for learning and growth.
  • Journal Prompts: Encourage children to reflect on what each quote means to them and how they can apply it in their lives.
  • Discussion Starters: Use quotes to stimulate conversations about personal experiences, challenges, and growth moments. This is the time when you can also share your own stories with your child.

Additional Resources

Growth Mindset Books For Kids

Growth Mindset Activities For Kids

  • Quote of the Week: Focus on one quote each week, engaging in related discussions or activities.
  • Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Role Play: Use real-life scenarios to act out both mindsets and discuss the outcomes.
  • Growth Journal: Provide children with a dedicated space to document their growth journey, challenges, efforts, and successes.
  • You can also read more on 3 Activities To Introduce Growth Mindset In The Classroom

Growth Mindset Resources For Parents & Caregivers

Want to learn more about Carol Dweck’s and Angela Duckworth’s research? You can listen to both of their books for free on audible, if you sign up for a free trial here.

What’s Your Favorite Growth Mindset Quote?

Cultivating a growth mindset is a lifelong journey. It’s more than just about academic success; it’s about building resilience, embracing challenges, and understanding that our abilities are ever-evolving. As parents and educators, we have the unique opportunity to be role models, demonstrating a growth mindset in our actions and words.

So, what’s your favorite growth mindset quote? Is there one from the list or do you have another? Share it by tagging me on Instagram @LittleYellowStarTeaches. I would love to see!

With the right resources and guidance, every child can flourish, embracing challenges with enthusiasm and a belief in their ability to grow.

Bye for now,

Prima from LittleYellowStar

* * *

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