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Hourglasses are magical tools in my teaching experience. Their calming visual appeal can capture attention and be incorporated into various classroom activities, making them an effective alternative to digital timers. I have always loved having a set of hourglasses in my classroom, but the true game changer came when I discovered how to use them to help students with building writing stamina and reading stamina.
All reading and writing teachers know that students don’t enter your classroom ready to read and write for 30 minutes straight!
That would be a dream, wouldn’t it?
The best practice, at least when I was in the classroom, was to spend the first few weeks helping students build their reading and writing stamina as a class and track it on an anchor chart.
However, not every student can build that stamina along with the class, and this was where I started to utilize the hourglass.
How I Helped Students With Building Writing Stamina and Reading Stamina
I had three students who still had trouble with reading and writing stamina after the class had reached the time that was appropriate for our grade level (4th grade). That was when I had the idea of using the hourglass.
We started out with 3 minutes on and 1 minute off. The students sat together, turn the 3-minute hourglass, then they would read or write. After the hourglass was done, then they would turn the 1-minute hourglass and take a 1 minute break. They were not allowed to talk to each other during the break, they would stretch or just sit quietly. Then repeat.
Once they were ready, we moved to 5 minutes on and 1 minute off, then to 10, 15, and finally a 30-minute hourglass.
I did not give them any incentive, but I think the incentive for them was more internal and getting to the next hourglass. They were so excited every time they got the next hourglass. They decided when they were ready, and we did have to move back down once or twice because they were not really ready—an executive decision on my part. After that, they knew to only ask for the longer hourglass when they were truly ready.
After that experience, I used hourglasses individually and in smaller groups as needed, adjusting based on the students’ progress. It worked every time and students were able to do this independently.
So here’s how to do it, step by step!
How To Use Hourglasses To Increase Reading and Writing Stamina
- Introduce Hourglasses to Your Classroom
- Whole Class Introduction: Explain the purpose of hourglasses to the entire class so everyone understands their use.
- Demonstrate: Show how to use the hourglass by flipping it over and modeling focus on a task for the entire duration.
- Decide Usage: Determine if hourglasses are free for all or must come to you.
- Gradually Increase Time:
- Start Small: Begin with short intervals, 3 minutes on and 1 minute off.
- Set Expectations: Define appropriate break activities. No talking, stretching allowed, no bathroom breaks or walking around.
- Assess Readiness: Discuss how to know when to move up time intervals. If students get bored during their break or feel they could read or write longer, they might be ready.
- Discuss Moving Up: Decide if students need to talk to you or just grab the hourglass when ready to move up.
- Set Goals: Encourage personal stamina goals and celebrate small milestones with stickers on the stamina tracker. Grab free reading and writing stamina trackers here.
- After Reaching The Desired Stamina
- Maintain Use: Continue using hourglasses for reassurance, even after goals are met. Add at least one more week of sessions with goal stamina for continued support.
- Consider allowing students to use the hourglasses again if they feel like they are slipping.
- Bring It Back After Long Breaks!
- Rebuild Stamina: Use hourglasses after breaks to reestablish routines and rebuild stamina.
- Long breaks are great, but after the long breaks, you might want to reestablish routines and rebuild stamina. So don’t be afraid to bring the hourglasses back!
Grab a free Writing Stamina and Reading Stamina Tracker by clicking the image.
Tips for Success
- Stay Consistent: Use hourglasses regularly to create a routine. Consistency helps students build their stamina over time.
- Encourage Breaks: Allow short breaks between longer intervals to keep students from feeling overwhelmed.
- Track the Progress: Let students track their progress so they can see their improvement. Praise students for their efforts and progress. Highlight improvements in their stamina to boost confidence, and extra fun stickers or stamps are great too.
Ready To Try?
If you are struggling with helping some of your students build reading and writing stamina, consider trying this hourglass trick! Incorporating hourglasses into your classroom can effectively help students increase their reading and writing stamina. By starting small and gradually increasing the time, you can create a supportive environment that fosters growth and confidence. Give it a try and watch your students’ stamina soar!
Happy teaching!
Prima at LittleYellowStar
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